Why Did Yashua Call the Pharisees "Hypocrites" When They Asked Him if it was Lawful to Give Tribute to Caesar?
Someone once told me that the reason that Jesus called these Pharisees “hypocrites” is because they were sinners
(they had other sin not relating to the question asked).
Let us say Mike asked John not to curse in front of a group of children. Then John accuses Mike of being a “Hypocrite”….
What do you think would be the logical reason for John to call Mike a “hypocrite”? Is it because Mike is not
perfect either and is a sinner too? Or is it because Mike curses in front of children too? When Yashua called
the Pharisees “hypocrites” it was related to the question they asked.
And again, I point out that every single time Yashua calls someone a “hypocrite” he pointed out their hypocrisy
(See: Matthew 7:5; 15:7-9; 16:3-4; 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27-28, 29; Mark 7:6-9: Luke 6:42; 12:56; 13:15).
In the case I point out, Yashua showed them their hypocrisy when they produced the coin.
No one has yet to show me a reason that Yashua called the Pharisees “Hypocrites” that meet these two criteria. a. Yashua shows proof of his accusation.
b. Yashua’s accusation is related to the Pharisees question.