Can You Explain Matthew 22:15-22 and Luke 20:19-26 Better?

So, you read my article and you do not agree with me. I would love to hear your rebuttal of my article. Show me where I am wrong so I can repent of teaching a false doctrine. Please answer the following questions and send your answers to so I can consider them.

    1. Why do Yashua and the rest of the scriptures always mention tax collectors in context with sinners? (see a common answer that does not hold water)

    2. Why did Yashua call them “hypocrites” and where did he show them their hypocrisy? (see a common answer that does not hold water)

    3. Why did the Pharisees think they could have Yashua arrested?

    • Because the Pharisees were ignorant of the law of Yahweh
    • It was unlawful to pay tribute to Caesar
    • Other: (Please explain)

    4. Do you think Yashua would carry a coin that claimed Caesar was god?

    5. Why do you think the Pharisees “marveled at his answer”?

    6. Show me in the law of Yahweh (Genesis through Deuteronomy) where it would imply that an Israelite owes tribute to any government other than the theocracy called “Israel” that Yahweh set up.

    7. Please explain to me the trap. For the Pharisees to “trap” Yashua, either answer would have to be a “win” for the Pharisees.

Please think your answers out carefully and submit them to me.

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